
Torah AND Science; Two Methods With The Same Goal

  In Yeshiva, in Zichron Moshe of South Fallsburg, learning under R' Elya Ber Wachtfogel, we would often sing, during shalosh seudos, Rav Don Seggel's song: Nish dah kein teva.          The rosh yeshiva, more than once, suggested, in my words,: to understand the midrash{} that Avraham Avinu kept the entire Torah before it was given. He was just a great 'proto-scientist'. He studied the universe.     He had already thought, and thought, and contemplated, and realized the reality of monotheism.     All he did was, upon further contemplation, {with Divine help {d.a.}} ponder on the {laws of d.a.} the universe, and reverse engineer how God would want him to live his life.     You see, if God likes the idea of E=M Csquared, He probably likes the idea of tzitzit et al.

First Aliya

Making sense out of tragedy: Dear Rabbi Shlomo: I had a very hard year… Savoring: What is the good in earthly pleasures? ********Three good things: How can I make my davening more growth oriented?*********** Sadness = losing battle. **********Trust in God: Optimism******** ******Tafkid: Character strengths.************ Trust in others: